古田县顺利机械制造有限责任公司是通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证的企业,专业生产各种型号、用途的削片机、切碎机、剥皮机、磨刀机等系列森工机械产品和成套食用菌机械设备,三十年来紧紧围绕着造纸、人造板、中纤板原材料生产各个环节所需的机械,引用德国原装图纸结合国内先进经验进行验制,不断更新,使得系列产品,操作简易、效率高、耗能低,投资省,更加适用于广大用户的需求,该系列产品注册商标为“顺利”牌。 多年来,我厂在机械生产和营销方面坚持以质量求生存,重信誉促发展的精神,不断提高产品质量,做好售后服务。1997年起经福建省农机推广站检测,产品符合国家标准,产品坚持实行三包,行销全国20多个省区,并出口东南亚、新西兰等国,荣获全国名优产品和全国推荐产品称号,为方便各地用户需求,我厂负责代办托用、发货及时。 Gu Tian Propitious machinery manufacture CO.,LTD Fujian is an enterprise comformed by ISO9001 International Quality Adminstrative Systems, manufacturing forest engineering machinery such as cutters, pulverizers, timber peelers and knife sharpeners and sets of edible fungus machinery and equipments. Over 30 years we have been manufacturing the machinery needed in paper-making, man-made board-making, fibra board-making, bringing in original drawing from Germany combined with national advanced techniques. By continuous improvements, series of the products have advantages of easy operation, low power consumpion, high efficiency and low investments, more suitable for the needs of users. Series of the products are registered as "Shunli" Brand. For years,we insist on living with quality, valuing credits and promoting developmenting the machinery production and marketing, and improve the quality of products and post-sale service. In 1997, the products were examined by Fujian Provincial Agricultural Machinery Popularizing Station and accord with the National Quality Standards. The products sells well to more than 20 provinces and export to Soytheast Asia, New Zealand etc. The products are titled as "National Famous&Excellent Products" and "National Recommendation Products". We also take care of the timely delivery of the products at the users requests.